The Campus Save Act is a new law affecting colleges and universities
Admission to medical schools is not an easy task. First, because less than half of all US medical schools accept students from overseas. And even they accept very few foreigners, giving preference to local students. Secondly, because of the high entrance requirements.
The financial issue also plays an important role. Medical programs in all countries of the world are one of the most expensive, as they require a lot of laboratory studies, clinical practice, and almost constant participation of a scientific supervisor. In addition, US medical education is the most expensive in the world.
Medical training takes almost from 11 to 15 years, including a bachelor’s degree. Fees at American medical schools are rising every year. So, over the past 10 years, the cost of medical programs has increased by over 40%. On average, you should focus on the cost of $ 40,000-50,000 and over.
Foreign students in medical schools hardly have to rely on scholarships – although there are rare exceptions to this rule. But given the highest competition, in order to receive a scholarship, you need to have really outstanding knowledge, academic and life achievements, have excellent recommendations, and write exceptional motivation letters.
The general requirements of medical schools are as follows:
International students apply uniform applications to all US medical schools through the AMCAS – American Medical College Application Service. The application system is administered by the Association of American Medical Colleges.
The applicant fills out a standard form that includes personal information about him and his family, all educational institutions that he attended, subjects studied, assessments, activities directly related to medicine, available letters of recommendation.
Then the applicant indicates the medical universities to which he plans to send the application. After that, he adds motivational essays – from one to three, depending on the program and level of study. Applicants to M.D. or Ph.D required: personal motivational essay – Personal Comments Essay, master’s or doctoral essay – M.D./ Ph.D. essay, as well as an essay describing the student’s research experience – Significant Research Experience essay.
Study at the US medical school lasts 4 years, continuing with residency training from 3 to 7 years. After that, for those wishing to expand or deepen their specialization, to strengthen their practical skills, there are additional programs that last from one to four years and do not lead to the award of degrees. Students must be prepared for huge and diverse loads – hours of study in classrooms, laboratories and anatomical theater, practice in clinics.
To obtain a medical diploma, students must pass the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE), or Board exam, which consists of three stages:
These exams vary in structure and content, but collectively they ensure that the young professional’s knowledge and skills meet the standards of American medical education.
Graduates of US medical schools are awarded the following degrees: Doctor of Medicine, M.D., Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine D.O., Ph.D.
Category: General
Tags: medical education, students